Strengthening NTD Elimination: Post-MDA coverage Surveys Launched in Congo with Support from Sightsavers and ESPEN

Brazzaville, Congo - The World Health Organization (WHO) in Congo, in collaboration with the Expanded Special Project for the Elimination of Neglected Tropical Diseases (ESPEN) and with financial and technical support from Sightsavers, has successfully launched a training session for independent surveyors to conduct post-Mass Drug Administration (MDA) coverage surveys in Nkayi and Kibangou Districts, Republic of Congo. This initiative focuses on assessing treatment coverage for onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis, two major public health concerns in the country.
The survey, which utilizes the ESPEN Collect tool on smartphones for real-time data collection, aims to validate treatment coverage reports from recent MDA campaigns conducted in October 2024. These surveys are critical to ensure that the reported coverage aligns with actual community-level data, meeting international monitoring and evaluation standards.
Key objectives include evaluating the reliability of the treatment reporting system, identifying reasons for non-participation, and understanding variations in medicine delivery and uptake based on gender and age. Additionally, the survey will assess community sensitization methods and verify the engagement of community distributors during the MDA.
The survey covers three districts, one each from the departments of Niari, Bouenza, and Pool, chosen strategically due to financial and logistical constraints. Data collection is scheduled to take place in December 2024 following comprehensive training sessions for surveyors in each region.
This joint effort reflects the commitment of the Republic of Congo to eliminating onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis by ensuring accurate reporting and accountability in MDA campaigns. With the support of Sightsavers and ESPEN, the initiative demonstrates the power of collaboration in advancing the fight against neglected tropical diseases. Updates and findings will be shared on the ESPEN Portal.