UCN Retreat for an Integrated Vision on Ending Disease in Africa

27 Nov 2023

Kintélé, Republic of Congo – In a strategic move to strengthen the collective fight against diseases in Africa, the Universal Health Coverage/Communicable and Noncommunicable Diseases (UCN) cluster recently convened for a transformative retreat. This gathering marked a turning point in the collaborative drive for comprehensive health initiatives, underlining the convergence of diverse efforts guided by a shared vision.

The core objective of the retreat was to establish a common understanding of the UCN's vision, mission, and strategic investment areas. The overarching goal was to cultivate strong connections and collaboration within the UCN cluster, steering the cluster towards an integrated force firmly committed to "Ending Disease in Africa."

A key focus of the discussions was the commitment to improved engagement, information sharing, communication, and transparency within the operations of UCN's technical teams. The retreat aimed to foster an environment conducive to effective collaboration, ensuring that each team is aligned with the broader mission and vision of the UCN.

A significant outcome was the development of program and individual scoring cards, meticulously designed to harmonize with the cluster-wide vision, mission, and investment areas. These scoring cards serve as strategic tools to guide and assess the progress of both programs and individuals within the UCN, fostering a collective effort that adds significant value to the overarching vision of "Ending Disease in Africa."

Amidst the strategic discussions, the retreat also incorporated team-building activities, promoting camaraderie and synergy among participants. Active involvement from teams, including ESPEN, contributed to a vibrant and collaborative atmosphere throughout the retreat.

The retreat not only reaffirmed ESPEN's and other UCN members' commitment but also established the groundwork for a more cohesive and purposeful strategy. Through shared visions, improved collaboration, and strategic frameworks, the UCN stands poised to make substantial strides in the collective pursuit of a healthier and disease-free continent.