Population living in IUs with endemicity unknown for at least one PC-NTD
Population requiring PC for at least one PC-NTD
Population living in IUs that have stopped PC for at least one PC-NTD
Delivery of PC in 2021*
Population targeted with PC for at least one NTD
Population treated with PC for at least one NTD
9 IUs (14% of all endemic IUs)
IUs achieving effective coverage for all NTDs requiring PC
Most recent approved JRF
Most recent approved JRSM
*These statistics exclude trachoma, as data are currently reporting using alternative implementation unit information, making integration unfeasible
Looking forwards
Forecast activities in alignment with the 2021-2030 WHO NTD Roadmap. See here for further detail on assumptions
10,288,031treatments to be delivered
46IUs to be surveyed
2020 to 2022
28,172,603treatments to be delivered
79IUs to be surveyed
2023 to 2025
51,680,968treatments to be delivered
123IUs to be surveyed
2026 to 2030
For further details of ESPEN forecasts by disease, please refer to the ‘Forecast dashboard’ under each disease tab.
Effects on NTD Programs
Situation in Senegal is same as other countries with schools closed and NTD activities suspended.
Effects on NTD Programs
Situation in Senegal is same as other countries with schools closed and NTD activities suspended.
There is a concern about drugs expiring. Also, planned campaign activities cannot take place.
The support of WHO is solicited for the campaign and strategies to save the drugs from expiring.
Data source
Unless otherwise stated, all programmatic and
epidemiological data underlying these dashboards are provided by countries to ESPEN through WHO
reporting processes, including via the PC Joint Application Package. All reasonable precautions have
been taken to verify this information.
Population living in IUs requiring PC: 497,754 people | 3 IUs
Population living in IUs that have stopped PC: 8,654,549 people | 40 IUs
Population targeted for PC: 405,819 people | 3 IUs in total
Population treated with PC: 367,013 people | 3 IUs in total 3 IUs achieved effective coverage
Drug regimen: ALB+IVM in 3 IUs
Coverage indicators
Geographic coverage: 100% of endemic IUs covered by PC
Programme coverage: 90% of individuals living in targeted IUs were treated
National coverage: 74% of individuals requiring PC in the country were treated
Please click on an Implementation Unit to view the PC coverage/year
Forecast for
These forecasts outline PC interventions and M&E activities expected from 2021 to 2030, to support fulfilment of the goals established by the NTD Roadmap 2021-2030. They have been generated from data submitted by Member States through the annual Joint Application Package.
Annual PC projections are based on the current reported endemicity, the number of rounds already conducted up until 2019, and the results of recent impact evaluation surveys. Calculations assume that all future PC rounds will be delivered as scheduled and will achieve effective coverage targets, and that future impact assessments will show reduction in prevalence below target thresholds.
Population living in IUs requiring PC: 356,387 people | 8 IUs
Population living in IUs that have stopped PC: 0 people | 0 IUs
Population targeted for PC: 567,833 people | 8 IUs in total
Population treated with PC: 444,231 people | 8 IUs in total 6 IUs achieved effective coverage
Drug regimen: IVM in 8 IUs
Coverage indicators
Geographic coverage: 100% of endemic IUs covered by PC
Programme coverage: 78% of individuals living in targeted IUs were treated
National coverage: 125% of individuals requiring PC in the country were treated
Please click on an Implementation Unit to view the PC coverage/year
Forecast for
These forecasts outline PC interventions and M&E activities expected from 2021 to 2030, to support fulfilment of the goals established by the NTD Roadmap 2021-2030. They have been generated from data submitted by Member States through the annual Joint Application Package.
Annual PC projections are based on the current reported endemicity, the number of rounds already conducted up until 2019, and the results of recent impact evaluation surveys. Calculations assume that all future PC rounds will be delivered as scheduled and will achieve effective coverage targets, and that future impact assessments will show reduction in prevalence below target thresholds.
Population living in IUs requiring PC: 2,263,114 SAC | 2,684,029 adults 62 IUs in total | 28 IUs high prevalence & 17 IUs moderate prevalence & 17 IUs low prevalence
Population targeted for PC: 599,165 SAC | 45,590 Adults 30 IUs targeted
Population treated with PC: 562,002 SAC | 7,110 Adults 27 IUs achieved effective coverage
Drug regimen: PZQ in 30 IUs
Coverage indicators
Geographic coverage: 30% of IUs requiring PC
Programme coverage: 88% of SAC and 16% of Adults targeted for PC were treated
National coverage: 23% of SAC and 0% of Adults requiring PC in the country were treated
Please click on an Implementation Unit to view the PC coverage/year
Forecast for
These forecasts outline PC interventions and M&E activities expected from 2021 to 2030, to support fulfilment of the goals established by the NTD Roadmap 2021-2030. They have been generated from data submitted by Member States through the annual Joint Application Package.
Annual PC projections are based on the current reported endemicity, the number of rounds already conducted up until 2019, and the results of recent impact evaluation surveys. Calculations assume that all future PC rounds will be delivered as scheduled and will achieve effective coverage targets, and that future impact assessments will show reduction in prevalence below target thresholds.
Population living in IUs requiring PC: 408,148 pre-SAC | 807,611 SAC 8 IUs in total | 3 IUs high prevalence & 5 IUs moderate prevalence
Population targeted for PC: 0 pre-SAC | 143,502 SAC 0 IUs targeted
Population treated with PC: 0 pre-SAC | 169,848 SAC 0 IUs achieved effective coverage
Drug regimen: ALB+IVM in 3 IUs
Coverage indicators
Geographic coverage: 0% of IUs requiring PC
Programme coverage: 0% of preSAC and 0% of SAC targeted for PC were treated
National coverage: 0% of preSAC and 0% of SAC requiring PC in the country were treated
Please click on an Implementation Unit to view the PC coverage/year
Forecast for
These forecasts outline PC interventions and M&E activities expected from 2021 to 2030, to support fulfilment of the goals established by the NTD Roadmap 2021-2030. They have been generated from data submitted by Member States through the annual Joint Application Package.
Annual PC projections are based on the current reported endemicity, the number of rounds already conducted up until 2019, and the results of recent impact evaluation surveys. Calculations assume that all future PC rounds will be delivered as scheduled and will achieve effective coverage targets, and that future impact assessments will show reduction in prevalence below target thresholds.